Leading Together

After the success of the previous edition, Daymakers once again digitally connected Ahold Delhaize’s senior management during Leading Together. A two-day interactive event designed to exchange ideas and inspire one another.

Interaction 2.0

For Ahold Delhaize, we developed a strategy to keep participants continuously engaged for two full days, six hours per day. This was no easy task, but with the experience and feedback from previous years in mind, we worked closely together to refine and adjust the program.

The first step was sharpening the agenda. We carefully balanced content and entertainment to create the perfect mix. Presentations were interspersed with interactive sessions, engaging video content, and challenging activities. This approach allowed us to engage participants on multiple levels and maintain their interest throughout the entire event.

Social wall

The social wall turned the audience into active participants, creating more interaction with a constant movement of avatars. Ask a question? Your avatar appears larger on the screen, allowing you to truly engage in the conversation. Innovative, inspiring, and interactive. Yes, that’s the social wall!

People are really used to working in teams and having these videocalls, but this is a different type of experience.

Eventplatform Reply.live

With our event platform Reply.live, participants could react live, chat, submit photos, and even applaud. Presentations were alternated with lighter topics to keep the energy high. To engage attendees even further, we introduced online games, organized multiple challenges, and awarded the winner with a special prize.

Learn more about Reply.live

Location & technology

Together with Unlimited Productions, a larger space than last year was transformed into a custom-built online studio with various settings. The different setups and the vertical screen for social check-ins created the right atmosphere and a dynamic show.