What is Employee Engagement?

Employee Engagement, or employee involvement, refers to the extent to which an employee is emotionally invested in the organization, its future, and the success of the company, as well as their enthusiasm for their work. It also relates to job satisfaction: the more opportunities employees have to develop within an organization, the higher the employee engagement

Purpose & Spirit

When you work with Daymakers, you often hear the phrase: Nobody gets left behind. We aim to positively reach your entire target audience and, if possible, inspire them. To achieve this, we bring together two worlds: the purpose of the organization and the spirit of the employees. Not everyone shares the same purpose and spirit.


However, there is always some overlap. We find that overlap and use it to ignite a shared enthusiasm between the organization and its people. In good English, we call that Transform for the better. It’s the central focus of every Daymakers project.

Why is Employee Engagement important?

A shift has occurred in our working society. Employers and employees are increasingly drifting apart. The new generation of employees focuses more on themselves, works from home, and switches jobs more frequently. Research* shows that only 23% of employees worldwide feel truly engaged with their organization, 59% would prefer to work elsewhere, and 51% are actively seeking a new job. Sounds depressing? Not at all: it actually presents an opportunity to shine.

*Gallup State of the Global Workspace 2023 Report

How can you, as an organization, ensure greater job satisfaction?

Knowing what your company stands for, with motivated and engaged employees who feel they belong, are the biggest factors for job satisfaction. If, as a company, you keep your focus on your employees, you can restore and strengthen that connection like never before. Therefore, they must be placed in the spotlight, where they belong. In an environment where pride and enthusiasm flourish, where everyone comes to work with a smile on their face. So that the strength of your organization comes from within once again.

Let's get engage!:D

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